LicenseRec V2.0.0 is officially launched!

Published: Aug 14, 2024 by Weiwei Xu

📢 LicenseRec V2.0.0 is officially launched! New features include compliance analysis accurate to package versions and license incompatibility remediation based on SMT-Solver! LicenseRec is a license compliance analysis and open-source license recommendation tool that helps developers perform compliance analysis and select the optimal license for their open-source software projects.

LicenseRec conducts fine-grained license compliance analysis on the code and dependencies (including direct and indirect dependencies) of open-source software projects. For incompatibility cases, it provides a minimum-cost incompatibility remediation solution using a constraint-solving based method. The compliance analysis and incompatibility remediation functions can be accessed at

Based on the compliance analysis, LicenseRec helps developers choose the best license through an interactive wizard. This wizard provides guidance in three aspects: personal open-source style, business model, and community development. The recommendation function can be used at

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LicenseRec V2.0.0 is officially launched!

📢 LicenseRec V2.0.0 is officially launched! New features include compliance analysis accurate to package versions and license incompatibility remediation based on SMT-Solver! LicenseRec is a license compliance analysis and open-source license recommendation tool that helps developers perform compliance analysis and select the optimal license for their open-source software projects.

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