
LicenseRec V2.0.0 is officially launched!

Published: Aug 14, 2024

📢 LicenseRec V2.0.0 is officially launched! New features include compliance analysis accurate to package versions and license incompatibility remediation based on SMT-Solver! LicenseRec is a license compliance analysis and open-source license recommendation tool that helps developers perform compliance analysis and select the optimal license for their open-source software projects.

GFI-Bot featured on GH Archive project's official website

Published: Jun 17, 2024

GFI-Bot has been showcased on the official website of the GH Archive project.

One paper accepted by ESEC/FSE!

Published: Apr 15, 2024

Kai’s study on automatically retrieving and validating source code repository information for PyPI packages is accepted by ESEC/FSE 2024. Congratulations to Kai!

One paper accepted by TOSEM!

Published: Dec 18, 2023

Kai’s study on characterizing deep learning package supply chains is accepted by TOSEM. Congratulations to Kai!

Writing Release Notes for Your Software: How to Get it Right

Published: Oct 8, 2023

Release note is important. However, there is a lack of tutorials or widely acknowledged standards about how to produce a release note. Without “the right way,” release notes may cause all kinds of issues. In this article, we will provide an FAQ-style introduction on how to produce the “right” release note for your users, based on our recent research on ~1000 real release note issues in GitHub project. This is still a preliminary draft, so if you have any suggestions or critiques, feel free to comment below!